September 15, 2004
December 14, 2003
August 9, 2003
May 7, 2002
Four new prints have been released! Check them out on the Available Prints page.
New items have been added to the Book
Cover Gallery, including the two paintings for Robert Jordan's "Wheel of
Time" series.
A few items of note were added to the News page -
some recent projects and Charles' upcoming con schedule.
January 6, 2002
Charles has released eight drawings and three small goauche paintings
for sale. The drawings were all created for Larry Elmore's Sovereign Stone role
playing game and can be found on the Drawings For Sale
page. The paintings are located in Paintings For Sale.
Information about a new project for an album cover was added to the News page.
December 2, 2001
An interview with Charles has been added to About
Charles Keegan. It covers his art education and background, his art process, and
advice to young artists.
We can now accept Visa, Mastercard, and Discover Card through the mail
and over the phone! However, our on-line credit card processing is still limited to
Some of Charles' new projects and happenings were added to the News page.
We now have a banner available for those who wish to link back to us!

July 26, 2001
July 6, 2001
May 27, 2001
We're now offering four new prints for sale. The new Special
Edition Archival Prints can be found on the Available
Prints page.
The Drawings for Sale page has been
updated, some new items have been added to the News page, and
updates were made to Charles' list of published works.
March 6, 2001
February 26, 2001
December 9, 2000
November 5, 2000
The hit counter has been fixed from its burp that happened during the
last update, and the ongoing problem with the thumbnail images has finally been dealt
Charles' latest news from the World Fantasy Convention in Corpus Christi
was added to the News page.
October 15, 2000
The problem with the thumbnail images which were added last week has
been resolved. Clicking on these will now take you to the larger versions.
Links to The Drow's Vault,
a site of TSR art which includes works by Charles, were updated.
October 7, 2000