Tor Gallery 2
selected paintings by Charles Keegan published as cover art by Tor Books



Tides of Darkness
©2002 Charles Keegan

Cover art for Tides of Darkness by Judith Tarr,
published by Tor, 2002

Prints of this painting are available.

Tides of Darkness cover sm.gif (8422 bytes)

Held by Honor
©2000 Charles Keegan

Used as cover art for Fire Logic by Laurie Marks,
published by Tor, 2001.

Prints of this painting are available

Fire Logic cover sm.jpg (6709 bytes)

Mother of Kings
©2001 Charles Keegan

Cover art for Mother of Kings by Poul Anderson,
published by Tor, 2001.

Prints of this painting are available


Attack of the Tigress
©2001 Charles Keegan

Cover art for Conan the Rebel by Poul Anderson,
published by Tor, 2001.

Prints of this painting are available.

Attack of the Tigress


Into the Ruins
©2001 Charles Keegan

Cover art for From the Two Rivers by Robert Jordan,
published by Tor/Starscape, 2002,
a republication of the first part of Eye of the World, part one of "The Wheel of Time".

Prints of this painting are available.

FromTheTwoRiversCoverImage.gif (93780 bytes)

Into the Ruins


The Blight
©2001 Charles Keegan

Cover art for To the Blight by Robert Jordan,
published by Tor/Starscape, 2001,
a republication of the second part of Eye of the World, part one of "The Wheel of Time".

* Prints of this painting are available. *

ToTheBlightCoverImage.gif (89498 bytes)

The Blight



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